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Farmacia de pedidos por correo

For certain kinds of prescription drugs, you can use our network mail order pharmacy. Generally, the drugs available through mail order are drugs that you take on a regular basis for a chronic or long-term medical condition. The drugs available through our mail order pharmacy are marked as mail order (MO) drugs on our List of Drugs (Formulary).

Using a mail order pharmacy allows you to:

  • Order up to a 90-day supply of drugs.
  • Have your order delivered safely to your door. This may mean fewer trips for you to the pharmacy.

Usually, you can expect to receive your drugs within 10 days from the time the mail order pharmacy receives your order. If your mail order is delayed, you can contact Member Services for help.

Ordering is easy. Open the order form (PDF) above for complete details. You can order online, by phone or by mail. For help you can also contact Member Services.

Última actualización: 10/01/2020
ID del material: H0480_WEBSITE_2023_09_28_2022